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The Unique Interior and Playing Characteristics of Noodle Golf Balls

Noodle golf balls have a unique interior construction with rubber strands that provide extra forgiveness, soft feel, and straight shots ideal for high handicappers, seniors, women.

The Unique Interior and Playing Characteristics of Noodle Golf Balls
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The Unique Interior of Noodle Golf Balls

Golf balls come in all shapes and sizes these days, but one of the most unique is the noodle golf ball. As the name suggests, these balls have a very different internal construction compared to regular golf balls. Their soft compressible nature gives them some fascinating playing characteristics. Let's take a closer look inside these unique noodle golf balls.

What Are Noodle Golf Balls?

Noodle golf balls, true to their name, contain noodle-like strands made of rubber thread wound tightly into a ball shape. The concept originated in the 1980s when golf ball manufacturers were experimenting with new materials to create softer golf balls. They found that using rubber threads or "noodles" allowed the ball to compress more on impact, slowing down off-center hits.

This helps noodle golf balls reduce slice and hook for high handicap players. The highly compressible nature also leads to much shorter distances than regular balls, enabling seniors, women, or beginners to play better. Over the years, many brands have come out with noodle balls featuring solid or liquid cores wrapped tightly with rubber noodles.

Interior Construction of Noodle Golf Balls

When you cut open a noodle golf ball, you immediately notice the dense web of rubber threads occupying almost the entire interior. At the center is usually a solid or liquid core made of synthetic material to maintain ball consistency and shape after repeated hits. How do noodle strands help the ball's playability?

Highly Compressible

The noodle strands in these golf balls compress much more compared to the rigid Surlyn or urethane covers of regular balls. The soft rubber threads flatten out, squeezing the liquid or solid core in the middle when the clubface strikes the ball. This compression slows down the speed significantly while allowing more dwell time and control.

Greater Deformation

Due to the extreme compressibility, noodle golf balls also deform a lot more after you hit them. Rather than springing back into shape, the ball temporarily loses its roundness from the force. This deformation reduces the energy transfer to the ball, translating into very short shot distances.

Low Compression Core

At the center of most noodle golf balls is a low compression core, usually around 50 compression or lower. Low compression helps to improve soft feel and reduce spin, working synergistically with the noodle strands. Liquid-filled cores maximize this soft feel due to fluid movement upon impact.

Added Forgiveness

Between the high compressibility, deformation, low core compression - noodle golf balls offer a lot more forgiveness compared to distance balls. Mishits don't get punished as severely in terms of shot shape and distance loss. The balls tend to fly comparatively straight no matter where you strike them on the face.

Who Are Noodle Golf Balls For?

The playing characteristics and low compression of these unique balls make them suitable for specific groups of players looking to have more fun on the course.

High Handicappers

The extreme forgiving nature helps high handicap amateurs by reducing hooked, sliced or topped shots. An overswing usually causes mishits, but the balls negate these effects allowing beginners to have more fun.


As golfers age, their swing speeds drop, resulting in shorter drives. Seniors can benefit from the low compression core and high deformation of noodle golf balls. Shots don't veer offline heavily allowing accurate play.


Women generally have slower swing speeds compared to male golfers. They can take advantage of the soft feel and forgiveness noodle golf balls provide to compress their drives without fear of mishits. Accurate bump-and-run shots are also easier.

Indoor Practice

You may not want to hit premium balls with your irons or drivers indoor. Noodle golf balls offer excellent value for money, enabling golfers to refine their indoor swing techniques without worrying about damage.

In Conclusion

Noodle golf balls certainly live up to their name with dense rubber thread windings inside rather than the rigid constructs of most balls. This specialized interior construction helps create optimal playing characteristics like extra forgiveness, soft feel, low spin and straight shots. Less accomplished players can benefit greatly from using these uniquely designed noodle balls.


Why are noodle golf balls good for beginners?

Noodle golf balls are very forgiving for beginners. Their soft compressible noodle strands reduce slice, hook and topped shots resulting from overswings. Mishits don't get punished as severely in terms of shot shape and distance.

Do noodle golf balls go as far as regular balls?

No, noodle golf balls have much shorter shot distances than regular balls. Their extreme compression and deformation robs them of the energy to travel as far when hit. They typically fly about 2/3rds the distance of premium golf balls.

Why do seniors benefit from using noodle balls?

Seniors can take advantage of the low compression core and high deformation of noodle balls, which helps achieve accurate drives despite slower swing speeds associated with aging golfers.

Can you use noodle balls for indoor practice?

Yes, noodle golf balls are perfectly suitable for indoor use as they reduce damage from repeated strikes and offer excellent value for money. You needn't worry about harming premium balls during indoor practice sessions.

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